Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Home Sweet Home

I'm going hooooome!!!! :)

Happiest I've been in three weeks......

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

This past weekend we went 'down the shore' to watch the Polar Bear Plunge. It's where 100s of people jump into the almost freezing cold ocean to raise money for the special olympics. I was not one of the brave/crazy people who actually did the plunge. I was cold enough just watching. It was great fun. If you've seen my facebook pictures you'll realize because we all started wearing wigs at one point. :) I think it was the best weekend I've had so far. But now I'm sitting here with an awful sore throat.

There was tons of snow yesterday and all I did was step outside to take a picture. It was beautiful but I'm so glad I'm still in the hotel and didn't have to drive in it. They even closed the schools up here which is the first time in 5 years that's happened. Work was business as usual. Speaking of work, I have successfully completed my first month end closing by myself. I have to say I'm proud of my accomplishment. Work is going really well, and I think I'm getting the hang of things.

I am going to Raleigh on Thursday to pack my house. The movers will be there bright and early on Friday morning. Then I'm going to head back to Mullins since there will be absolutely nothing left in my house in Raleigh. :( I'm so excited to see my family though!

One last thought before I go, I live only a few miles from the city. I've been up here for over three weeks now and have not gone into it once.....Maybe once it warms up a little....