Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Weekend adventures

This past weekend was so much fun, probably one of the best weekends I've had so far. It all started Thursday night when we went to Hoboken to watch SOJA, a reggae band. The music was good, the crowd was good, and the drinks were good. Friday at work was not so good....I managed to make it through work though with the help of a lot of caffeine. Friday night, Weston, Erica and I went to the hooka bar right down the street from my apartment. It's a really cool place and the hooka smoke smells surprisingly good, probably because it's flavored. There is a DJ and a dance floor in the back which of course is where we planted ourselves for the evening. We weren't really planning on staying long but before we knew it, we were closing the bar down.

I guess I should mention now that the weather has warmed up considerably, we even hit a record high 90 today and I have no AC in my apartment!!! :( So with the warm weather and sunshine we decided to go somewhere we could eat lunch outside on Saturday. After lunch we headed back to Hoboken and were walking around. We found a park right on the Hudson where hundreds and hundreds people were laying out. It was kind of weird. It was like a beach without sand or water you can get in. You can see the water but can't get close to it, and I don't know of anyone who would actually put any part of their body in the Hudson. Unless, as Weston puts it, if your plane crashes there. We found a rooftop bar around the corner, joined the crowd and got a bucket of Coronas.

Saturday night Erica, Brooke, Weston and I headed into the city for an 80s and 90s party. It was fun even if Mr. Creepy Mullet Man wouldn't get away from us. Transportation to get into the city and back out is always interesting. The bus never came to take so we had to figure out another way. We took the Light Rail to the Path. To get home we had to take the Path back to Jersey and then catch a cab. By the time we finally made it home, Erica, Brooke and I had passed out in the cab and Weston and the cabbie were laughing at us.

Sunday morning came way too quickly. We had to get up early to go back into the city for a movie premiere. It was a low budget lesbian romantic comedy called Flick's Chicks. I had no clue what to expect. It wasn't all porn-ish or gross, it was actually hilarious and I liked it. We went to a bar in the Village afterwards for a few drinks then headed home.

We are not alcoholics and we do not usually do this many outings in one weekend. It just turned out lots of fun things were happening all at once. It made for a difficult Monday and Tuesday at work. I think I'm starting to feel almost normal now. Weston and I are just going to keep it low key this week and weekend. Next week we'll be heading to Pinehurst, NC for Mary Grace's wedding. I can't wait to see some of my Raleigh girls and to be in the south!

That's all for now.

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