Thursday, February 26, 2009


Things seem like they are falling into place at a snail's pace. Everything is finalized with our apartment and we can move in on March 3rd. I am off the 6th and 7th, and am heading to Raleigh to pack for my official move. I know you guys want to come over to help me pack. :)

I am looking forward to settling into my new life. We actually get to bring Bailey back up with us and I'm so excited about that. She's been with my parents for almost two months now. I miss that crazy dog! It will be great to have a refrigerator that can fit more than two drinks and to be able to cook a meal instead of going out for literally every meal. Plus I'm hoping that this will make me feel a little more like I belong here. I feel like I'm on this emotional roller-coaster and can't seem to get any balance. I have only been here a little over two weeks so it's to be expected, although I feel like I've been here for months. I'll be glad to see my parents next weekend and hopefully some of my Raleigh friends.

Other good news, I had another showing on my house yesterday. Fingers crossed for positive feedback and an interest to buy. If that happened I might actually be happy for more than 10 minutes at the time!

Off to the grind......

1 comment:

  1. yay! I bet Bailey is excited to explore her new pad :) Glad things are starting to fall into place. I will be in NY March 8th-10th. Maybe we can meet up...although you'll just be getting back.

    anyway, miss you LOTS!
